F3 -Boiler -East Side -Steel Reinforcement-Stump- (Final Preparation) Prior Inspection.

F6 -Type A -Boiler -West Side -Curing In Progress.

Mill -C -Cleaning/Brushing To Steel Reinforcement.

F11-B14 -Boiler -East Side -Preparation For Steel Fixing -Stumps.

Mill -H -Adjusting/Leveling To J-Bolts In Progress -Prior Final Inspection.

Mill -H -Adjusting/Leveling To J-Bolts In Progress Prior Final Inspection.

Turbine Hall -Grid 9 -Grid 8 -B-D .

Mill -B -Brickwall Formwork In Progress.

F4-Type D -Boiler -West Side -Steel Reinforcement -Pile Caps.

Boring To Pile #HN53-1200mm dia. -Chimney -BOP -EconPile.

Preparation For Spun Pile 400mm dia. -Soil Improvement -FGD Pipes.

Pile #HN03-1200mm dia. -Chimney-Installation Of Steel Cage -SinoHydro.

Concreting To Pile #HN53-1200mm dia. -Chimney -BOP -EconPile.

F11-B14 -Boiler -East Side -Final Preparation Prior Casting.

Mill -D -Hacking/Chipping -Preparation For Construction Joint -2nd Stage Pour.

Turbine Hall -Excavation To Condensate Tank -Down To Level (-7.2MLSD).