Power block & BOP east
Power block & BOP east
Power block & BOP east
Power block & BOP southeast
Power block & BOP southeast
Power block south west
Power block south west
Coal yard
MCWPH & Electrochlorination BLD
Aeration Basin
Piperack to MCWPH
MNG4 south view |
MNG4 south view |
CEB south view |
STH and CEB south view |
Client coal yard |
Client HV Switchyard |
GRP Phase 6 |
Aeration basin |
Aeration basin |
Piperack 15.2 |
Piperack 15.2 |
Transfer Towers |
Coal handling TT13 and BC07 |
Stacker reclaimer A |
Stacker reclaimer B |
Coal handling control building |
Coal handling electric room |
Demin plant |
Electrochlorination building |
Fuel oil pump house |