4-Sept-14 Aerial photos
Power-block west side
Power-block west side
Power block and BOP east side
Steam turbine hall & Main Transformer Compound
Power block and BOP east side
Power block and BOP east side
Power block and BOP east side
MCW and SWFGD network
SWFGD Aeration basin
MCWPH looking north
MCWPH looking south
Coal yard Area A north end
5-Sept-14 Photos
FGD north view |
Duct between Boiler and Fabric Filter east view |
Duct between Boiler and Fabric Filter west view |
Boiler east view |
Boiler west view |
N2/CO2 gas bottles shed |
FD and PA fan east side |
FD and PA fan west side |
ID Fan duct west side |
CEB control room |
GRP Phase 5 |
Transfer tower 13 and conveyor BC-07 |
Coal crusher house |
Stacker reclaimer A |
Stacker reclaimer B |
Temporary coal loading |
Temporary coal loading buckets |
Warehouse building |
Warehouse building internal view |
Fly ash silo |
Fly ash conveyor |
Oil water separator |
Oil water separator |
Treated waste water reclaimed plant |
Sanitary waste water treatment plant |
Coal run-off basin |