
   Boiler, Fabric Filter & ID Fans - Looking Southeast
 Boiler and Steam Turbine Hall - Looking Northwest
  Boiler - 4 of 6 Roof Girder Installation  on going
   Boiler - 4 of 6 Roof Girder Installation  on going
   Boiler - 4 of 6 Roof Girder Installation  on going
  Screening House - Looking North
  Absorber Area - Looking Southeast
FGD Duct Foundation and  ID Fans - Looking Southwest
 Boiler Electrical Building - Looking Northwest
Pipe Rack #4 Area_Spun Piling - Looking North
 Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plant-Spun Piling - Looking North
  Main Transformer Area - Looking Northwest
  Steam Turbine Hall-East Side - Looking North
 STH and Central Electrical Building - Looking West
  Steam Turbine Hall - Looking East
 Steam Turbine Hall-ST / GT Table - Looking Southwest
 Central Electrical Building and Aux. Trafo - Looking Northwest
 Central Electrical Building Ground flr Staircase - Looking North

Electrical Pit # 001 - Looking East
 Phase 3 of  CW Pipe and SWFGD_GRP Pipe Excavation - Looking West
 SWFGD_GRP- Phase 4- Looking North
  MCW Pipe Saddle to Aeration Basin and to CW Pump house - Looking South
 Aeration Basin-Spun Piling Works - Looking Southeast
 Reclamation of 5 yr Ash Pond - Looking South