
Boiler south view
STH and CEB south view
CEB south view
Client coal yard
Client HV Switchyard
Client HV Switchyard
Piperack 15.2
Transfer towers
Coal conveyor BC-07
Stacker reclaimer A
Stacker reclaimer B
Coal handling control building
Coal handling electrical building
Aeration basin
Aeration basin
GRP Phase 6
Coal run-off basin
Fuel oil forwarding station
Demin plant
Electrochlorination building
Cooling water discharge channel

FGD north view

 Duct between Fabric Filter and Boiler top view

 Duct between Fabric Filter and Boiler east view

 Fabric Filter roof top view

 Boiler east view

 Boiler east view

 Boiler tripper floor

 Boiler tripper floor

 Boiler tripper floor conveyor belt



 N2/CO2 gas bottles

 FD & PA fan east side

 FD & PA fan top view

 GRP Phase 5

Coal Transfer Towers

 Transfer Tower 13

 Bottom ash transfer tower

 Industrial Waste Water Treatment

 Bottom ash silo

 Fly ash silo

 Stacker reclaimer B

 Aeration basin

 Store building

 Store building

 Industrial waste water treatment

 Service and Fire Water tanks

Demin plant