
 Pan View_Steam Turbine Hall-South Side - Looking North
  Pan View_Phase2_SWFGD_GRP-North of Chimney - Looking East
Pan_View Central Electrical Building-South Side - Looking North

Phase2_SWFGD_GRP-North of Chimney - Looking Northeast
 Chimney - Looking South
  Boiler Electrical Building - Looking Southwest
 Fabric Filter-East Side - Looking Southwest
  Boiler-Structural Steel-East Side - Looking Southwest
 Boiler-Structural Steel-West Side - Looking Southeast
  Boiler-Structural Steel West Side- Looking Northeast
  Boiler-Structural Steel-East Side - Looking Northwest
   Boiler-Structural Steel and Steam Turbine Hall - Looking North
Mill D, C, B, A Looking Southwest
  Boiler-Structural Steel - Looking South
 Ash Hopper - Looking East
 Boiler-Electrical Pit # P203 to P204 - Looking East
Boiler-Electrical Pit # P205 - Looking West
   Boiler-East Side-Concrete Gully - Looking West
 Steam Turbine Hall - Looking West
 Steam Turbine Hall-East Side - Looking North
   Steam Turbine Hall - Looking Southeast
 Steam Turbine Hall-West Side - Looking South

  Central Electrical Building - Looking Northeast
 MCW-Beneath New HV Line South Side- Looking Southeast
MCW-Bet. New HV Line and Aeration Basin Tie in Sheet Piles West Side - Looking South
 MCW-Bet. New HV Line and Aeration Basin - Looking North
 Coal Yard-Stacker Reclaimer-Spun Piles - Looking Northwest
Client Tower Old HV Line-East Side of STH Dismantling of Tower - Looking Southeast